the upcoming shoot season (September, October, November, December & January) we are looking for picking up apprentices, aimed at young and older dogs who want some shoot day experience picking
game alongside the Riverggins team in conjunction with bespoke training inbetween shoots.
Similar to our Residential Training the minimum duration for each dog is 4 weeks
Essential for young dogs to absorb the atmosphere, the noise and the excitement of a
shoot day before being returned to you with experience under their belt.
We often have young dogs that we gradually introduce ourselves into the shooting field and picking up in our opinion is the best way to do this. The reasons for this are that the dogs are set back from the guns, so the shooting is the perfect distance away to entice interest without spooking them. They learn to mark fallen game. Watching as dogs are sent for runners whilst remaining calm.
If you’re wanting your dog to eventually sit next to you on the peg then this is the perfect start for them
This is the perfect opportunity for dogs that are with us for residential training to experience the shooting environment, learn to pick game under experienced supervision.
Please note that your dog will need to be at the required trained level to qualify for this experience. If it's not, then please talk to us about pre-season training.