Fully Tested Perfect Health Scores
Kennel Club Registered Name:
Bellesbank Rascal of Riverggins
Hips: 0/0 + 0
Elbows: 0
Eyes: Clear
DNA Test Results
EIC: Clear
HNPK: Clear
SD2: Clear
CNM: Clear
PRA: Clear
STGD: Clear
MCD: Clear
Hips - -63 (Low Risk)
Elbows - -43 (Low Risk)
Proven Stud
Poirot is a 5 year old proven stud. He's a solid, athletic, fast & hardworking dog, who is desperate to please. He has been a dream to train, so it is no surprise to see that he is sired by FT CH (field trial champion) Beileys Aguzannis of Fendawood
Poirot carries yellow