

Fully Tested Perfect Health Scores




Kennel Club Registered Name:

Bellesbank Rascal of Riverggins


Hips: 0/0 + 0

Elbows: 0

Eyes: Clear


DNA Test Results

EIC: Clear

HNPK: Clear

SD2: Clear

CNM: Clear

PRA: Clear

STGD: Clear

MCD: Clear


Hips - -63 (Low Risk)
Elbows - -43 (Low Risk)



Proven Stud



Poirot is a 5 year old proven stud. He's a solid, athletic, fast & hardworking dog, who is desperate to please. He has been a dream to train, so it is no surprise to see that he is sired by FT CH (field trial champion) Beileys Aguzannis of Fendawood


Poirot carries yellow


Poirot's Kennel Club Results



Poirot's Pedigree
An amazing working dog pedigree
Poirot Pedigree.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [156.3 KB]
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