The Boys


Wonderful working dog, fast, powerful and clever

Produces fantastic puppies with equal qualities 

He also has Perfect Health Scores 0/0 hips and elbows


1st Class breeding & Pedigree


Sired by INT FTCH Beileys Aguzannis of Fendawood



Solid and robust with a sizable frame, this dog is an absolute rock in the shooting field and during training. He never requires a lead and is one of our go-to dogs for challenging retrieves.


He also has Perfect Health Scores 0/0 hips and elbows


Well built and very much like his father INT FTCH Beileys Aguzannis of Fendawood


Good work ethic, with a soft nature


Strike is in his second season of picking up, very steady at such a young age




Everyones favourite.


Gin is now Retired from standing at Stud


His calm nature can be seen in most of our dogs


Looking forward to seeing what Coloumbo has to offer over the next few years


Poirot and Marple puppy

Gin is his grandad


*Please note that at Riverggins we only accept breeding female dogs that have been health checked,

with clear eye results, a combined hip score total of 14 or less and 0 elbows.



Boarding License No 20/01002/AA_New

Breeding Licence No 23/00581/DD-New


10 star Business

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