Training Holidays 





Here at Riverggins we offer bespoke training programmes for family dogs. Bookings are for a minimum of one week onwards. 


Why not book your dog in for a Training holiday

whilst you take a break. 


Your dog will receive one to one training as part of their daily routine, learning new skills,

brush up with general obedience

along with socialising with other dogs.


We offer structured exercises and play brain stimulating games suited to your dog's breed.



Your dog is likely to be out a minimum of five times a day, this compared to the legal minimum requirements of traditional boarding kennel of just once a day!

*Training Holidays are specifically for gundog breeds only 




Areas that we cover:


General Obedience

Heel work- on and off the lead

Breed related games
Ball/dummy games

Working interaction with other dogs





All areas of development that will enhance your four legged
friend become a key member of home life








For enquiries and availability

please call Riverggins 



Priced at £330 per dog per week


Minimum of 2 week







Opeing hours for drop off & collection of your dog:

Monday - Saturday 8am- 6pm

(Closed on Wednesdays & Sundays)









License Number 20/01002/AA_New

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